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Vision  Of Samhithaa

Empowering men and women with the wisdom of the knowledge is the vision of Samhithaa, and so says our Vision statement, “Jnanam hi tapasah phalam”, “Knowledge is the fruit of Penance”.Today as for most of us who have received formal education, the fortunate ones, at one end the bare necessities such as Food, Clothing and Shelter are being satiated, amidst growing comforts of modernity there is a void, a vacuum which is still bothering human mind, they are still not happy, there is a sense of incompleteness. Everyone is looking for Happiness.Hence often, we look for solution for many a problems we face, such as Health issues, Mind related issues, Relationship blocks, Success at the degrees and Levels we want, Restless of mind to name a few. Somehow, the modern facilities and techniques have failed to address these very basic fabric of Life working.At Samhithaa, we have been deeply concerned about where we are headed amidst this mad rush and race of accumulating wealth and material. While it is extremely important to have wealth and material to lead a comfortable life, that is not the only thing that one needs to focus, there has to be balance in one’s life and there seems to be a sense of no direction offered by the modern day education. Also, spirituality as enticing the word is, often confuses us at the offset, there are so many spiritual Gurus, Mathas and their directives, while they all in principle are working for the betterment of the human kind, it baffles the modern mind, who has had not enough background in the scriptural study.

Why is our visions focus on Knowledge? What kind of Knowledge are we talking here?“Veda” means to “to know”, the very focus of Vedas is the Knowledge. Ancient wisdom of Scriptures have beautifully laid down the principles of Life and the scientists of the Yore, have observed Life and have expressed their findings and learnings, which are still valid today, because the principles are eternal. The application may vary from time and place, but the principle is eternal.Samhithaa, which is a group of traditional schoalrs with an open mind, came together and set out a project, though which, it is confident that it can serve to better the Human plight in the modern world. They have realized through their own life experience that Knowledge has the power to transform a human life, most importantly “Right Knowledge”.Hence Samhithaa, envisions, if we get a deeper understanding of the underlying principle of the Life process which is the core subject of Vedas, one can lead a Finer and Fulfilled life for ourselves and our family, which has been the goal of every human being.

Samithaa, has laid down the above said vision, in the action plan as below :


  •    Developing Short term courses for Children inculcating Good Values that are missing in todays    modern Education system.


  •   Conducting Lifestyle Courses and Retreats.


  • Providing consultation to the people who would need to understand how they can benefit from different ancient Homa and tips and assistance in executing the same.


  • Providing a resource for the people who are interested to learn the ancient language of Samskrit.


  • Conducting Yoga certificate courses which will include not only the Asanas but expaling the science behind the Asanas.


  •  Courses on leading an holistic Ayurvedic Lifestyle.


  •  Helping to preserve the ancient traditional Gurukula system of teaching and learning.


  • Classes on philosophy for the people who are interested to learn about the ancient system of Philosophy (ShadDarshanas)

  •  Preseving and helping conserve the Manuscripts and publish the books from the ancient manuscripts.


                                                                           VIGHNESWAR BHAT

                                                                 THINKER OF GOVERNING LIFE PRINCIPLES

Wisdom and Age don’t necessarily go hand in hand. An apt example of that is Vighneshwar. Just 28 years of age and he has wisdom of age old Rishis. It wont be an exaggeration to say that because of the deep wisdom he has acquired due to the deep study of the ancient scriptures (Shastras) at such a young age is truly remarkable.Born and raised in humble surroundings, Vighneshwar hails from a small town of Baginakatta, from Yelapur district in the state of Karnataka. From the beginning he had an immense passion of learning scriptures, not to learn them, so he can land a good job, but to understand what are the reasons that the Rishis of old lure, expounded and meditated on the way of Life that they designed and propagated to Live. Reasoning was his imperative for him before he can accept the teachings or recommendation of the age old Rishis.This reasoning mind made him to take up “Mimansa Shastra” or sciene of Analysis ??, so he can fulfil his quest in getting clarity of underlying thoughts of the Rishis. Dharmashastra was his love and mimansa shastra developed his skills in reasoning and hence was able to get to the subtleties of Dharmashastras.Dharmashastras is not mere rules for does and Donts, there is more to it, says Vighneshwar. That helped him to get deeper into the principles of life and it has helped him guide people at a very young age.While medals are certificates are not necessarily representation of ones knowledge, in this case it its true and time and again, whenever Vighneshwar has taken part in debates, he has emerged as a Gold Medalist, Silver medalist at state and National levels of competition. So there is no doubt we are looking at one of the country’s finest scholar in this subject of Mimansa and Dharmashastra.

While there are scores of people who have been beniffited from his teachings, Vighneshwar demeanor is verily very pleasing and it only proves, knowledge and humility goes hand in hand. A perfect example of “Vidya Vinayen Shobhate”.

Vighneshwars passion is to bring this great knowledge to people from all walks of life, to make it practical and approachable which is the very nature of this knowledge, but because it has been not expressed by people in a simple way it comes across as outdated and definitely something that is not practical. Vighneshwar vehemently opposes that view and brings these old principles which are eternal to everyday life. It is his experience, that when one follows these principles by understanding them, once leads a harmonious life, which means one has a great physical, emotional and spiritual life, the core layers of ones personal life. He integrates them and helps you understand why they are integrated, as a deep understanding only can bring about a transformation, he believes.Life is best when it is lived in accordance to nature, to understand those complex nature, the age old Rishis wrote down their discoveries. Dharmashastra is age old rishis Research journal/ findings, it only helps us, when one understands them and applies them in principle. As when one understands the spirit behind the form, the true Living of the principle happens, instead of burden that one feels of getting under these laws to follow. Vigneshwar with his clarity, helps us get closer to the understanding of the eternal values, which helps us life become whollistic, in other words natural. Natural life is effortless, stress and strain become things of past, Life only blooms when its natural. Laws only govern things to be natural and Vighneshwar helps us to get there.

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